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Season 1 Results

March 2024

Creative Video

Platinum Prize

Aya Okimoto - Vocal & Violin

Beeffie Creative Musical Artists Special Award

Aya Okimoto

Original Composition

Platinum Prize

Dante Muscas - Composition "Transizioni"

Pj Haugh - Composition "Th Little Symphony"
Zhirui Zhang - Composition "The scream of grassland"

Gold Prize

Gao Xin - Composition "Wandering·Dreaming"

Elijah Bosworth - Composition "The Adventurer's Quest"
Yifu Zuo - Composition "The Water Lily"

Excellent Creativity Special Award

Gao Xin

Yifu Zuo

Outstanding Technique Special Award

Dante Muscas

Professional (No age limit)

Diamond Prize

Sherif Dahroug - Guitar
Ludmila Pelahiy - Vocal

Platinum Prize

Meng Junchen / Wang Xu - Clarinet
Domenico Petruzziello - Violin
Yao Chen - Vocal

Gold Prize

Yehbin Choi - Flute
Yirui Li - Harp
Yao Lu - Piano
Zhiyuan Wu - Saxophone
Fong Fong Fiona - Violin
Shi Chence - Vocal


Silver Prize

Cheng Bi - Double Bass
Cai Qingyan / Chaeyoung Yoon - Violin


Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Fong Fong Fiona

Wang Xu

Outstanding Technique Special Award

Domenico Petruzziello

Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Yao Chen

Advanced (Age 18-22)

Platinum Prize

Lizaveta Kaliada - Violin

Gold Prize

Zichao Lin - Cello

Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Zichao Lin

Young Artist (Age 14-17)

Diamond Prize

Jessica Hong - Cello

Platinum Prize

Oan Woo Park - Cello
Joan Mateu Diaz - Percussion
Aya Okimoto / Oliwia Witkowska / Weetiwat Siriwattanakorn - Piano
Aya Okimoto - Vocal & Violin


Gold Prize

Jacob Chang - Cello
Yifu Zuo - Composition
Ella Liu - Flute
Giancarlo Josten - Piano
Cagla Yagci / Sophia Wang - Violin
Elisa Rossetti / Ruirui Yu - Vocal

Silver Prize

Ip Tsz Ting - Double Bass
Shiwoo Kim - Viola
Walter Lee - Vocal


Outstanding Technique Special Award

Oan Woo Park

Joan Mateu Diaz

Weetiwat Siriwattanakorn

Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Ella Liu

Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Giancarlo Josten

Sophia Wang

Youth (Age 11-13)

Platinum Prize

Suna Bade Şİmşek / Zhao Yuchen - Piano
Siyoon Sung - Violin
Aleksander Gawiński - Xylophone

Gold Prize

Kornsiripatchara Damrongrat - Clarinet
Bentley J Chew / Mariam Lupe Ramirez Galindo / Pantila Phattanaphaiboonkul - Piano
Patcharanan Jirachaiprasitti - Vocal


Silver Prize

Sean Huang - Cello
Caroline Zhang - Piano
Ishani Ganguly - Violin


Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Mariam Lupe Ramirez Galindo
Pantila Phattanaphaiboonkul


Outstanding Technique Special Award

Zhao Yuchen

Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Sean Huang

Junior (Age 8-10)

Platinum Prize

Pitipatt Nipanutiyun / Toplean Gabriel - Piano
Rachel Feng - Viola
Pietà Myka Baca - Vocal

Gold Prize

Toplean Victoria / Zofia Juszczyk - Piano
Guan Yunxi / Sisira Phudech - Violin
Patteera Tirasuwanwasee - Vocal


Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Toplean Victoria

Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Zofia Juszczyk

Sisira Phudech
Patteera Tirasuwanwasee


Outstanding Technique Special Award

Pitipatt Nipanutiyun

Prodigy (Age 7 and younger)

Gold Prize

Eddy Zhang - Piano
Marko Andonov - Violin
Edward Maiden - Vocal


Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Eddy Zhang

Baroque A (Under Age 17)
& Baroque B (Over Age 17)

Platinum Prize

Ava Park / Marta Jankowska - Violin

Gold Prize

Ashlyn Choi - Flute
Kantara Watcharamonthian / Miss Poonnapat Swatmethakul - Piano

Chaeyoung Yoon / Jan Mitka - Violin

Pietà Myka Baca - Vocal


Outstanding Musicality Special Award
Ashlyn Choi

Ava Park

Jan Mitka
Marta Jankowska

Outstanding Technique Special Award

Kantara Watcharamonthian

Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Pietà Myka Baca

Classical A (Under Age 17)
Classical B (Over Age 17)

Gold Prize

Jacob Chang - Cello
Pietà Myka Baca / Wu Bihua - Vocal


Outstanding Musicality Special Award
Jacob Chang

Romantic A (Under Age 17)
& Romantic B (Over Age 17)

Platinum Prize

Francesco Boscain / Jessica Hong - Cello

Li Yawen - Piano
Siyoon Sung - Violin

Gold Prize

Kantara Watcharamonthian - Piano
Ava Park / Chaeyoung Yoon - Violin


Silver Prize

Sisira Phudech - Violin


Outstanding Technique Special Award

Jessica Hong

Siyoon Sung

Modern A (Under Age 17)
& Modern B (Over Age 17)

Platinum Prize

Chaeyoung Yoon - Violin

Gold Prize

Pantila Phattanaphaiboonkul - Piano

Chamber Music

& Duo Performance
Platinum Prize

Wu Bihua - Vocal

Lied Duo - Jungmin Lee, Mijung Kwon - Piano & Vocal

Excellent Teamwork Special Award

Wu Bihua


Platinum Prize

Jessica Hong - Cello
Chaeyoung Yoon - Violin


Gold Prize

Chaeyoung Yoon - Violin

Outstanding Technique Special Award

Chaeyoung Yoon


Platinum Prize

Aya Okimoto - Piano

Gold Prize

Effy S Huang - Cello

Musical Theatre

Platinum Prize

Giuseppe Elia Monni - Vocal

Gold Prize

Aya Okimoto - Vocal


Silver Prize

Edward Maiden - Vocal

Outstanding Musicality Special Award

Aya Okimoto


Excellent Interpretation Special Award

Edward Maiden


Platinum Prize

Yelisey Zelman - Conducting

Film/Game Music

Platinum Prize

Elijah Bosworth - Composition
Pietà Myka Baca - Vocal

Excellent Creativity Special Award

Elijah Bosworth

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